vineri, 18 decembrie 2020

Servicii de consultanta in afaceri de 5 stele in Londra

ODAS Global Consulting, plin de surprize ca de obicei, și-a deschis un nou sediu într-o clădire care datează încă din anii 1820, într-o faimoasă locație din Londra. Locația este ușor accesibilă tuturor, chiar și cu mijloace de transport în comun situat in apropierea stației Charing Cross. De la fereastra biroulul nostru se poate observa faimoasa pieță Trafalgar, iar în apropiere se află numeroase atracții turistice, cum ar fi Embankment, Leicester Square, Soho, Covent Garden și râul Tamisa. Locația este ideală, așadar vă așteptăm cu drag să ne vizitați.


Experții de care afacerea ta are nevoie

Anglia este un important centru economic, având una dintre cele mai dezvoltate economii din Europa, după Germania și Franța. PIB-ul Marii Britanii este într-o continuă creștere. Era de așteptat ca o companie globală precum ODAS Global Consulting să își deschidă un sediu în inima Londrei. Este locația ideală pentru a fi alături de antreprenorii care doresc servicii de consultanță în management și consultanta in afaceri.

ODAS Global Consulting se concentrează asupra consultantei in afaceri, fonduri europene, investiții realizate la nivel global, arhitectură, lobby și servcii tehnologice. În aproape 20 de ani de experiență, peste 500 de clienți s-au declarat încântați de serviciile prestate de compania noastră. Principiile după care ne ghidăm sunt: transparență, claritate, loialitate, integritate, respect și profesionalism. Aceste calități ne-au câștigat încrederea clienților noștrii și ne-au ajutat să devenim firma de consultanță numărul 1 în dezvoltarea afacerilor, din România.

Datorită experienței pe care am acumulat-o, serviciile oferite de ODAS vor fi întotdeauna complexe și calitative. Toate serviciile prestate de noi sunt personalizate în funcție de nevoile și dorințele specifice ale fiecărui client. Noi îți putem transforma afacerea într-una profitabilă, în cel mai scurt timp.


Cum îți poate ajuta afacerea o firma de consultanta in afaceri?

O firmă de consultanță profesionistă cum este ODAS Global Consulting îți poate fi de mare ajutor. Aceștia au o vastă experiență în domeniu și îți pot sugera cele mai bune idei și soluții pentru afacerea ta. De asemenea, ei îți pot analiza în detaliu valoarea pieței și vor veni cu cele mai ample soluții pentru o dezvoltare durabilă a afacerii tale. Echipa de consultanți ODAS poate identifica cu ușurință problemele pe care riști  să le înâmpini, astfel încât tu să fii pregătit în orice situație.

ODAS Global Consulting îți poate aduce o nouă perspectivă asupra lucrurilor, una obiectivă! Noi te putem ajuta să iei cele mai inteligente decizii, chiar dacă uneori sunt dificile, pentru ca afacerea ta să poată prospera.

Un alt aspect important în dezvoltarea afacerii tale este trainingul angajaților. Pentru ca afacerea ta să fie una de succes, trebuie să te poți baza pe angajații tăi. De aceea ODAS Global Consulting oferă tuturor angajaților un training în domeniul de activitate al afacerii tale și cum să reacționeze în situații critice.

ODAS Global Consulting este partenerul de afaceri pe care te poți baza cu încrederesi. Experiența, expertiza și profesionalismul acestora îți pot aduce succesul afacerii tale. Ne poți găsi acum și la noul sediu: 1 Northumberland Avenue Trafalgar Square, London, Greater London, WC2N 5BW, United Kingdom.

Quality business consulting services in London

In one of the most famous addresses in London, in a building that dates back to the 1820s, there’s the latest ODAS Global Consulting office. The location is ideal, it is easily reachable for everyone considering it is two minutes away from the mainline station, Charing Cross. The office has an amazing view of the famous Trafalgar Square and it is close to a multitude of important business and tourist attractions.


ODAS Global Consulting – the genuine experts you were looking for

The UK is a financial center, a leading trading power and it has one of the largest economies in Europe. Not to mention that the British GDP is constantly growing. It was only a matter of time before a great business consulting London company like ODAS Global Consulting would open an office here. There’s no better place to help entrepreneurs in need of business and management consulting services, than the very heart of London.

ODAS Global Consulting is an expert in investments, EU funds lobby, architecture, IT, and business consulting London. In almost 20 years since we’ve been on the market, we’ve made over 500 customers happy with our services. Transparency, honesty, loyalty, integrity, respect, competence, and professionalism – these are the rules we're guided by and they represent our company’s foundation. This is what helped us grow and become the no. 1 consulting firm in Romania, in the development of business’.

Our team of consultants have hands-on experience, therefore our consulting services will always be qualitative and complex. Our services are always customized according to our client’s needs and desires. By working with us, you can reach your professional goals.


What services do consulting firms provide?

A professional consulting firm like ODAS Global Consulting can provide a wide range of services. We can analyse the market value and provide you expertise in your field of activity. Due to our experience in this line of work, we can easily identify the existing problems or the ones that might occure. Offering modern solutions and ideas is what we do best.

ODAS Global Consulting will be the reliable partner you need throughout the entire process, but it can also be a third party that can provide objectivity. Therefore we are capable to help you take the difficult decissions and initiate the necessary change, so that your business can grow and become a profitable one.

Training and teaching the employees can also be an important step in your business’ growth. For a business to work propperly, you need to be able to rely on your employees. That is why they need to be thought your field of activity and how to react in every situation. Your business deserves to be surrounded by competent staff.

A professional firm like ODAS Global Consulting can provide you the best business consultancy London services, whether if you’re looking for temporary expertise, or a long-term collaboration. You can only reach true business success by collaborating with an expert consulting firm. We can’t wait to meet you at our new headquarters, on 1 Northumberland Avenue Trafalgar Square, London, Greater London, WC2N 5BW, United Kingdom.

The newest ODAS Global Consultig office, in London

 As you probably know by now, ODAS Global Consulting is a business and management agency with premises all over the world. The most recent one is located right in the center of London, to prove our desire of being close to all the people who need business consulting London services.

Our new office is located in one of the most prestigious addresses in London, just two minutes away from the mainline Charing Cross station. It is easily accessible to everyone, by bus or by car, and it has an amazing view of the famous Trafalgar Square. More than that, the building that houses our new office, dates back to the 1820s and it’s also close to Embankment, Leicester Square, Soho, Covent Garden, the Thames, and other important business and tourist attractions.

When it comes to the economy, The UK is a financial center. It has one of the largest economies in Europe. Their agriculture is intensive, they have large coal, natural gas, and oil resources and the British GDP is constantly growing.

London is the best place to start or grow your business. With London’s potential and ODAS Global Consulting’s experience, your business success is guaranteed. Take a chance and never look back. Trust us to be the reliable partner that you need.


What makes a good consulting firm?

ODAS Global Consulting offers complete consulting services ever since 2003. We offer the best solutions for investments, EU funds, lobby, architecture, IT, and business consulting. We have grown dynamically, becoming the no. 1 consultancy firm in business development.

We are proud to be a transparent and professional consulting company. We have made our way to the top through the complex, high-quality consulting services that we provide. We respect our customers, therefrom we listen to your needs. All of our business and management services are customized to your needs and desires. Your business and your needs come first because we want to see you succeed.

ODAS Global Consulting will provide you complex consulting services. Whether you’re an experienced entrepreneur or a young one, we can help you with your business plan, marketing strategies, branding, market analysis, investment plan, budget plan, and so many more branches.

We are internationally recognized for our superior business and management services and our accomplishments. Over the years, we’ve made over 500 customers fulfilled with our work. Now that we opened a new headquarter in the heart of London, we hope to reach even more entrepreneurs who need business consulting London services. ODAS Global Consulting is the best in restructuring and building profitable businesses that can achieve the desired performance

Don’t just be an entrepreneur, aim at being the best one in your field of activity. We can help you grow and exceed your own expectations. Choose the best business consultancy agency London and start growing.

Be a remarkable entrepreneur with a successful business! Visit us at our new headquarters, at 1 Trafalgar Square, Northumberland Ave, London WC2N 5BW, United Kingdom, or on our website at

joi, 17 decembrie 2020

The best business consulting agency near you

 ODAS Global Consulting has now been in the business consulting Malta market for 20 years. We are the professionals you’ve been looking for this whole time. We are a global consulting and strategy development agency.

Our agency's vision is to always be there to help entrepreneurs from all over the world who need consulting services. We want to lead your business to success. And we are the best to do so. For this reason, we now have headquarters all over the world: the USA, Asia, and all over Europe. For our new headquarter in Malta, we chose a special location. Gzira is a beautiful tourist location and a fast-growing business and financial center. Our office is in a very modern, bright, and eco-friendly building inside the Savoy Gardens.

Gzira is the perfect place to start a business or to grow your business. Whatever you’re looking for, we are here to help you. ODAS Global Consulting has an entire team of consultants with hands-on experience in business consulting Gzira, accessing EU funds, lobby, architecture, IT, among many others.

Our expertise and quality consulting services will help your business grow and reach the success you've always desired. Secure your business' future by choosing to work with the best consulting agency there is.

If you're interested in starting your business, ODAS Global Consulting can definitely help you. They will take care of the market research for you and identify any investment opportunity. This is a key step in starting any business. Their experience and expertise will make them the reliable partner that you need by your side throughout the entire process.

ODAS Global Consulting will carefully analyze the market value and will provide you a customized business plan, according to your wishes, expectations, and professional needs. During our collaboration, ODAS will provide you with all the support you need so that your business can grow.

Both the short-term and long-term business plans provided by ODAS are extremely important for your company's well-being. One of them will help you focus your energy on the things you can change and that truly matter for your business. The other business plan will help you see the bigger picture and spot any obstacles that you might run into, in the future.

ODAS Global Consulting is constantly suggesting new modern and innovative ideas and solutions for your business to grow and overcome any problems. Out of respect for our customers, we never miss a deadline. The quality of our consulting services helped us become the no. 1 business consultancy Malta firm in the development of business in Romania.

Our new premise in Gzira is bringing us closer to all the entrepreneurs who need consulting services regarding their business. Choose what's best for your business, and what's best is ODAS Global Consulting. We have the means to make your business successful. You can find us at the new headquarter at Savoy Gardens, Rue D'Argens, Gzira – GZR 1362 Gzira, GZR 1362, Malta, or online on our website, at

Business consulting in 2021


2020 was a tough year for all of us. But let’s not give up just yet. Together, we can still get your business back into shape. 2021 is a fresh start. We have learned from the past and we’ve come to understand that, no matter how hard it gets, together we are stronger. Choose to work with the best business consulting Malta team on the market. We are ready. Are you?

ODAS Global Consulting has been on the market for almost 20  years. We’ve gathered plenty of wisdom and experience, but this year was the one that made us stronger. Secure your business' future by working with us. Don't wait until it's too late. We can get you out of any trouble, and through any crisis.

ODAS Global Consulting is working with competent consultants, that are experts in finance, marketing, architecture, lobby, IT, investments, accessing EU funds, and many others. Over 500 customers are happy with the services provided by ODAS. With us by your side, we can guarantee you that your business will never hit a breaking point again.


Our business lead our clients to success

Our company is designed to provide consultancy in all areas where policies, technology, business, and people work together. The complete solutions that we provide will help your business, not just to come back to life, but to grow.

After all that your business's been through, it deserves sustainable development, which can only be achieved by working with a professional consulting company.

ODAS Global Consulting will help you escape the 3-foot world that you're used to and gain perspective. Our business plan will help you in that manner. A short-term business plan will help you focus on what's important and on what you can control, while a long-term one will help you see what obstacles you might run into and how to solve them.


No walk in the park

We won't tell you that it will be easy to make your business successful. An easy day provides no room for growth. But with ODAS Global Consulting by your side, we can assure you it'll be worth it. We offer you real support in facing each challenge at a time until your business will make it to the top.

The experience and trust of our clients have helped us become the consultancy firm no. 1 in the development of business in Romania. We offer full quality services to our customers. Trust us and you will never look back.

Each customer has individual needs. Our vision is to ensure the necessary support in the changes that take place within the companies. With ODAS Global Consulting as your business consulting firm Gzira, you will reach the market leaders in your field of activity in no time.

2020 might have brought you down, but we can lift you back up. Start fresh with a professional business consulting company as your right hand and your most useful tool.

Find out more about us at or at our new headquarters at Savoy Gardens, Rue D'Argens, Gzira –GZR 1362 Gzira, GZR 1362, Malta.

What can a business consulting firm do for you

 Behind every successful business, there is a business consulting firm Malta, just like behind every successful man, there is a woman. There are plenty of things a consulting firm can do for your business, starting from teaching you how to overcome any problem in your way. Working with a consulting firm can make your business successful. They can do everything an entrepreneur does, but better.


They have more experience than you do

A professional consulting firm, like ODAS Global Consulting, for example, has almost 20 years of experience and its consultants are experts in Investments, accessing EU funds, business, architecture, lobby, Cybersecurity, and so on. They have made more than 500 customers satisfied with their services.

Such a consulting firm can definitely transform your business into a profitable one. Forget "satisfied" customers. They can help you make them devoted clients, and also attract new customers. They will get you out of a standstill and offer you the best marketing strategies for your business to improve and always move forward.


They can make you see the bigger picture

If you hit a loose end or you're at a crossroads, you certainly need a consulting firm by your side. You need to set your goals straight and your business value. A professional business consultancy firm Gzira, like ODAS Global Consulting, will never let you lose sight of your goals. They will help you aim higher, but also to keep your feet on the ground. For that, they will put together a business plan, customized for your own needs and visions. A high-quality business plan can help you grow and get your business to the next level.


They are experts in marketing

Branding, as strange as it sounds, can be a very important step towards success. Few people know this, but branding is one of the keys to success. A brand is more than a logo and a catchphrase. A professional consulting firm could tell you that, in fact, branding includes advertising and promotional strategies, customer service, building up a good reputation, a logo, and, of course, a touchy slogan that actually makes customers feel a certain way. ODAS Global Consulting can help you build a powerful and valuable brand to attract more customers.


And also in budgeting and investments

A budget plan made by ODAS can help you cut off the unnecessary expenses and invest in something that can help improve your business. Outsourcing can be a useful investment, so you can focus better on what you actually have to do. A consulting company can help you take these kinds of decisions. An investment can be a commitment, but sometimes it's what's best for your business.

Working with a professional business consulting firm Malta like ODAS Global Consulting will help you make the best decisions for your business. They will make sure your business is becoming a profitable one, by providing you real support and high-quality services. Choose the best consulting firm, so your business can really grow.

You can find us at our new headquarters at Savoy Gardens, Rue D'Argens, Gzira – GZR 1362 Gzira, GZR 1362, Malta, or online at

miercuri, 16 decembrie 2020

Remarkable business consulting services by ODAS Global Consulting

The past year has tested us all, but that didn't stop us. ODAS Global Consulting will always be one step ahead. With us by your side, your business will never grow old. We constantly come up with modern and innovative solutions for your business. Gzira, the host city of our new headquarter, is evolving at a fast pace, and so should we!


What we can offer you

The city of your new ODAS headquarters, Gzira, is a business centre, continuously evolving. The real estate market has grown so much in the past few years, that some are calling it the "real estate boom". Gzira can be the perfect city for you to start a business, or to grow your business.

ODAS Global Consulting is the right choice for you, whether you're looking for business consulting Malta services, investments or accessing EU funds. We have 20 years of experience in various fields. Our new headquarter, the modern and bright building inside of Savoy Gardens aims to bring us closer to you. We can, thereby, provide you with the quality consulting services that your business needs to become a profitable one.

The ODAS Global Consulting team is formed of competent consultants, qualified to deeply analyze the market value and build a customized business plan, according to your visions, what your business needs are. The business plan that ODAS is providing is a very complex one and will help you overcome any obstacles in your way, it will make sure of your business' well-being and also help you organise your budget. A well-made business plan can truly help you grow your business.

We know how much work is behind any business, that's why we want to see you succeed. A business consultancy Gzira agency is a must for your company's success, thus you need to choose the best one.


Choose the best

The experts from ODAS Global consulting can help you, regarding a wide range of fields. We are the best at what we do. The consulting services provided by us are complex and always delivered on time. We are the no. 1 consulting firm in Romania, based on the quality of the services we offer to our clients.

Over the years we made hundreds of customers happy, and you can be the next one. Our services can determine your company's long term well-being. The real estate market in Gzira has dropped in the Corona times, but we can help you set it back on track. With a professional consulting company, like ODAS, you will never have to worry about your profit again. We are always coming up with quality, modern solutions. Choosing to work with us means choosing what's best for your company!

Together we can bring your business back to life. Come visit us at Savoy Gardens, Rue D'Argens, Gzira – GZR 1362 Gzira, GZR 1362, Malta, or on our website, at

With ODAS Global Consulting by your side, you'll always be one step ahead of everyone.


Business consulting services - now in Gzira

 ODAS Global Consulting has proven again the desire of being close to every entrepreneur who needs business consulting Gzira services, by opening a new headquarter in the heart of beautiful Gzira.

Gzira, also called "the island", it's an amazing spot for our new premise. It is a financial center, close to Sliema, a city known for its fabulous nightlife, and overviewing Valletta. Every night, Valletta, Malta's capital town, throws a beautiful light show.

The beautiful Gzira, as I've mentioned before, it's also a financial center, famous for its real estate market that's dynamically growing. The new ODAS headquarter, for instance, is in a  very modern and bright building, inside of Savoy Gardens, a central complex in Gzira. You can find anything you please nearby, within walking distance, from shops to swimming spots.

ODAS Global Consulting has a wealth of experience in a wide range of fields, such as cybersecurity, architecture, lobby, investments, tourism, real estate, accessing EU funds  and so on. We've made over 500 customers happy with our quality business consultancy Malta services, and maybe. If you choose wisely, you will be the next one.

Malta is the perfect place to expand your business or to start one. It has a high touristic potential that you can use to your advantage. ODAS Global Consulting can help you go through this process in no time. It’s easy to be a brilliant entrepreneur when you have a team of experts by your side.

Another opportunity occurs thanks to the fact that Malta has one of the most advanced telecoms in Europe, high penetration of mobile and broadband, and a way forward to expand e-commerce opportunities.

ODAS Global Consulting constantly provides modern ideas for your business and effective solutions for your problems. Our mission is to offer you real support and to increase your business' value. we want your business to be a successful one.

If you choose to work with us, we will teach you, and your employees the business and marketing strategies you need to know in order for your business to grow. Our services are customized according to your vision and your needs. The business plan that we provide will help you overcome any obstacles in your way and will set your business on its path to success.

ODAS Global Consulting is a global consulting company, with premisses in the USA, Asia, and all over Europe. With over 20 years of experience, we can guarantee you the support and high-quality services that you need for your business to grow. It can be difficult to find a professional firm that provides good business consultingGzira services, therefore you need to choose wisely. We are here because we are passionate about your work and the future of your business.

You can find more details about ODAS Global Consulting and our portfolio if you visit our website at:

For an in-person meeting, pay us a visit at our new headquarter at Savoy Gardens, Rue D'Argens, Gzira – GZR 1362 Gzira, GZR 1362, Malta.

How to choose the best business consulting agency in Gzira

There are many ways a business consulting agency Malta can become famous. But on their way to success, they forget what's important: honesty. A consulting company should always make itself remarkable through quality. A professional consulting company should be transparent, respect its customers, deadlines, justify their tariff, and, of course, always provide quality services.

Punctuality will always be relevant

To be a professional consulting firm, you must prove to be dependable to your customers. That's what ODAS Global Consulting has been doing ever since 2003. The quality of the services offered by ODAS has resulted in hundreds of satisfied customers all over the world. In the 20 years that we've been on the market, ODAS has evolved dynamically, offering a wide range of services, starting from business and marketing consulting, to lobby, investments, IT, architecture, EU funds, etc. We now have premises all over the world, one of them being in Malta, Gzira, an ongoing business center.

We always take our work seriously and we respect our customers. Therefore we always deliver on time. We respect your work so we don't want to keep you waiting.

ODAS Global Consulting offers complete solutions for business development. The experience, expertise, and trust of our clients have helped us become the no. 1 consultancy firm in business development in Romania.

“There is only one boss. The customer. And he can fire everybody in the company from the chairman on down, simply by spending his money somewhere else.” – Sam Walton

Every businessman knows that the customer's always right and we have to respect him. For this reason, ODAS Global Consulting will set up a meeting with the customer first, before anything else. Before even signing the contract, you will fix a fee with the consultant, in the clearest and transparent way possible.

At the same meeting, a consultant will try to understand your business - your needs, problems, goals, budget, etc. Only after they fully understand, they can come up with an adequate business plan for your company. ODAS Global Consulting is providing customized services to all the client, according to your wishes and expectations.

Business consultancy Gzira services near you

At ODAS Global Consulting, we are passionate about your work and we want to see you make a name for yourself. With our new headquarters in Gzira, Malta, our vision is to be closer to every entrepreneur that is looking for the best business consulting services. Our new location is inside Savoy Gardens, an easily accessible spot.

When it comes to the perfect consulting firm, ODAS Global Consulting is the smart choice. We have worked with passion, making each customer count, providing high-quality advice and modern ideas. Respect, punctuality, and transparency are our strengths.

If you’re still not sure about what business consulting firm to choose, pay us a visit at Rue D'Argens, GZR-1362, inside Savoy Gardens in Gzira, and let’s get to know each other.

For more information, you can visit our website at

marți, 15 decembrie 2020

Investment consulting in Gzira

ODAS Global Consulting has opened a new headquarters on the beautiful island, Malta. Our new host-town has grown briskly to the financial center that it is today. Gzira is a beautiful tourist spot and a business center. ODAS wants to help every entrepreneur who needs investment consulting services Malta, so your business can keep up with the city. Our new headquarters is inside the Savoy Gardens, in a beautiful modern building. The location is close to every attraction point in Gzira so it’s easily accessible for everyone.

The decision of investing in something usually comes after long debates. This makes perfect sense considering the number of things you have to take into consideration before taking a such decision. ODAS Global consulting is famous for it’s high-quality and complete services. That includes modern ideas, efficient solutions, quality advice, support, but also market analysis and building up efficient plans and strategies.

You first have to carefully analyze all the aspects of your investment and the market value. A team of experts in economic consulting can easily analyze everything for you, to make sure that your investment will be a profitable one.

An investment can be risky... but at ODAS Global Consulting we are not taking any risks. We can guarantee you the quality investment consultancy services Malta that you need. Commercial consulting, financial consulting, business, real estate, tourism, polutry, thade, investment, lobby - we're experts. In our two decades of experience, we've made over 500 customers happy with our services.

With a professional consulting agency like ODAS Global Consulting, it's easy to be a good entrepreneur or even the best in your field. Don't hold back and make sure you set a meeting with an ODAS consultant before making an investment.  It is a very important thing for the well-being of your business. They can tell you all the perks and the downsides of your investment and give you their professional advice. You can then decide what's best for your business, with a clear head.

ODAS Global Consulting has headquarters all over the world so we can be closer to you. We know that time is an investment, itself, so we want to be a reliable partner throughout the entire investment process. We're here to help you make the best decisions for the future of your business.

Before investing in something, you should have a well-designed business plan. We offer you customized consulting, based on your expectations and desires. ODAS will teach you how to be ready for any crisis or obstacle in your way. With us by your side, your business will become a successful one, because we care about your work.

it's easy to be successful when you have all the support you need from a financial consulting firm. if you want what's best for your business, choose ODAS Global Consulting, the best investment consultancy agency Gzira. Find us at Savoy Gardens, Rue D'Argens, GZR-1362, Gzira, Malta.

For more details, you can visit our website, at


Business consulting in the center of Gzira


In a very modern building, right in the heart of Gzira, ODAS Global Consulting has opened a new headquarters. Inside Savoy Gardens, the new premise is easily accessible to every person who needs business consulting services Malta. We know that quality services are in high demand, so we want to be closer to every entrepreneur who needs them.

Malta is one of the smallest yet one of the densest countries in the world. Gzira is a modern town in Malta, a tourist spot and a business center at the same time. Our headquarters is close to Marsamxett port, and a bunch of shops, restaurants, coffee shops, and other attractions. At night, from the ODAS headquarters, you can see the beautiful lights of Valletta, Malta's capital town.

Tourism is not the only ace in Gzira's sleeve. The town is also known for its ongoing real estate - the real estate boom, as some may call it. ODAS Global Consulting wants to help all the entrepreneurs that need investments, business, or management consulting. We have been one of the best consulting agencies in Romania for almost 20 years.


Business consulting Malta explained

At ODAS Global Consulting, our business is to lead our clients to success. with over 500 satisfied customers, we are already at the top of the business consulting industry in Romania, but our goal is to reach the top of global consultancy firms.

A business and management consulting firm can have a powerful impact on your business, that's why you have to choose the agency you want to work with, very carefully. A consulting company can increase your business' value by coming up with a customer retention strategy, a customized business plan, and budget planning. A competent consultant should always reduce your unnecessary expenses so your profit can grow.


Choose ODAS and watch your business grow

ODAS Global Consulting can help you make your business, a profitable one. A consultant is, basically, an expert in all areas where policies, technology, business, and people work together for sustainable development. We will always suggest modern and innovative ideas and solutions to your problems. ODAS can easily put you ahead of your competitors, with an efficient business and economic plan.

You need more than a goal for your business. Behind every business, there's a lot of hard work. A business and marketing consulting firm has an entire team of consultants, who are there to help you overcome your problems and to set your business on its way to success.

Make your business better, and your life easier by collaborating with a top business consultancy firm in Gzira, like ODAS Global Consulting. With us by your side, your business will be ready to take over the world. Let's get to know each other at our new headquarters in Savoy Gardens, Rue D'Argens, Gzira – GZR 1362 Gzira, GZR 1362, Malta.

For more information on what we can do for your business, take a look at our website:

European funds consultancy in Malta

ODAS Global Consulting is a consulting company based in Romania. Over the years, our company has grown so much that now we have premises all over the world. One of them is in a very modern, bright, and eco-friendly building inside the Savoy Gardens, in Gzira, Malta. We're here to help the young entrepreneurs who need European funds consultancy Malta.

Malta is the most densely populated country in the EU and one of the countries with the densest population in the world. Gzira is a central town, close to Valletta, Malta's capital city. Gzira is known to be the fastest-growing business center in Malta. If you're a young entrepreneur in Malta, you've certainly taken under consideration accessing the EU funds.

EU funds can help your business grow or, if you're a young entrepreneur, to put down roots for your dream business. Accessing EU funds can be demanding unless you have real knowledge of EU funds. This is where a consulting company steps in and helps you achieve your goals.

ODAS Global Consulting can support you throughout the entire process and guarantee you the EU funds granting. We offer real support because we care about your business. ODAS is one of the best investment consulting company from Malta and it’s on the European funds’ consultancy for almost two decades. Our company has over 20 years of experience and we can offer you consultancy in a wide range of fields. The high-quality services that we offer have brought us plenty of satisfied customers and positive feedback.

An investment can be something huge, therefore it needs to be premeditated and prudent. Nobody's willing to take chances, especially if you own a small business. Every entrepreneur, young or experienced, wants to be the best in what he does, and that's only possible with the support of a professional consulting company. With ODAS Global Consulting, you play it safe.

To lay the foundation of a new business can be a lot of work. One bad decision can affect everything you've worked for. That is why ODAS wants to help all the young entrepreneurs. Over the years ODAS Global Consulting has offered quality consulting services to over 500 people. Our company has distinguished itself by being professional and transparent with the clients from the very beginning.

To access EU funds, a good business idea is not enough. You need to build an entire portfolio. The process of accessing these funds can be a long and complex one. This process would be a lot easier with an expert consulting agency by your side. ODAS Global Consulting is a top company when it comes to European funds consulting Malta. Choose what's best for your company!

Gzira, Malta is the perfect place to start a new business. Gzira is a business center, a town that it's continuously evolving and growing. your dream deserves a guaranteed success, so don't stop at some second-class choices. If you're still not convinced that ODAS Global consulting is the perfect option for your business's future, you can visit our website. For more details about European funds consultancy Gzira, pay us a visit at our new headquarters in Gzira, Malta, inside the Savoy Gardens, Rue D’Argens, GZR-1362.

luni, 14 decembrie 2020

European funds consultancy in Gzira


Gzira is a financial center and also a tourist destination. it is now home to the new ODAS Global Consulting headquarters. It is situated inside the Savoy Gardens residence, in a modern and bright building. Our goal is to help every entrepreneur that's looking for European funds consultancy Malta or business consulting.

A consulting agency can really stand out by their experience. ODAS Global Consulting has almost 20 years of experience, has written hundreds of successful projects, and has made over 500 customers happy by making their dreams come true. The company's staff is composed of experts in business consulting, EU funds, lobby, architecture, IT, and many others.

EU funds can be extremely valuable for any business, but especially for the small ones. However, accessing them can be a lengthy process. Our company, ODAS Global Consulting aspires to help every entrepreneur that's hoping to access these EU funds.

A simple idea is not enough to build an entire business. To access the EU funds, you need to go through a complex process, for which you need advanced knowledge of European funds. In addition, it involves a good deal of work. Your success is granted if you choose to work with a group of professionals, such as ODAS Global Consulting.

We can offer you real support and the insurance of obtaining the funds you need for your dream business to come true. With these funds, you can start a brand new business or you can expand your business. No matter what you need them for, we can help you throughout the entire process. We are the best consulting company regarding EU funds.

Accessing these funds can be a true commitment. One wrong decision could cost you everything. A consulting company, such as ODAS Global Consulting, can offer you outstanding ideas and solutions to any of your problems. They will assess the market value based on which they will provide you a concrete business plan, based on real facts. The business plan provided by ODAS will always be a customized one, based on your needs and your domain.

A professional consulting agency, like ODAS Global Consulting, will establish a budget plan for the short, medium, and long-term, so you can see your business through a bigger picture. This will help you see what fields are worth investing in, how much money will you need and what profit will your business have over the years.

If you're a young entrepreneur or you own a small business that you want to grow, then I'm sure you don't want to take any sort of risks. ODAS Global Consulting will offer you the safety you need. The quality of our European funds consulting Gzira services can make your dreams come true.

ODAS Global Consulting is famous for its excellent services and for the high number of successful projects they wrote. This has made them a top company when it comes to European funds consultancy Gzira. Don't take any chances when it comes to your business. Choose to work with the best! We'll be waiting for you with more details, at our new headquarters in Gzira, inside of Savoy Gardens, Rue D'Argens, GZR-1362.

marți, 8 decembrie 2020

Odas Global Consulting – one of the top business consulting companies – now in Gzira

Due to the high demand for business consulting services Malta, we had now opened a new headquarters, right in the heart of Gzira, the fastest growing business community in Malta. Located between Msida and Sliema, Gzira is famous for its rapid economic prosperity, whether we talk about real estate, hospitality, or legal firms.

The modern and bright building is situated inside the beautiful and elegant Savoy Gardens. Nearby, you can find everything you need within walking distance – bars, restaurants, coffee shops, etc.    



We're here because we're passionate about your work and we want to help you grow at the same fast-pace as your city does. With almost 20 years of experience in business and management consultancy, we, Odas Global consulting, aim to meet the needs of every -new or experienced- entrepreneur. A business and investments consulting firm is very important in every company's path to success. Almost like the company's right hand. We identify the problems and help you make the necessary changes to achieve success, to overcome challenges, and to help grow. But how do you know which firm is the perfect one for you?


What we bring to the table

Yes, we know there are many other business consultancy companies out there, but here's what makes us unique. We value your time. No matter what happens, we deliver on time! Respect and trust are our main values, therefore we will never miss a deadline.

Another thing that makes us different is the fact that we have hands-on experience in business consultancy Malta. When you have no room for failure or no interest in taking any risks and you're trying to find the best business and investments consulting agency there is, then the background matters. That's why we value our customer's opinions. Over the years we've got a lot of positive feedback from the people we've worked with. We have a good reputation for offering quality services to our customers.


Odas Global Consulting

Ever since 2003, when Odas Global Consulting was fonded, we do our best to connect with each customer and listen to your needs, every day, because we care. There are many needs a company can have and we can fulfill them all. In our many years of experience, we've managed to grow and become the global company that we are today. Business consulting Malta, European funds, investments, architecture, lobby, or IT – they are just a few of the fields we're experts in.

Odas Global Consulting is a company with premises all over the world, for instance, the USA, Asia, Europe. We're always eager to help, thereby feel free to share any idea that you want to develop or ask for business consulting advice, at our new headquarters, the modern building of Savoy Gardens, in Gzira, Malta.

For more information about Odas Globa Consulting and its services, you can go to our website. You can find us at our new address, at Savoy Gardens, Rue D'Argens, Gzira, GZR-1362.

miercuri, 25 noiembrie 2020

The Successful Investing Goals


Michael Jordan, Joe Montana, and Tiger Woods were wonderful for a reason, they had goals.

 The same is true of those entering in the investment field, have an objective in your career , and set your mind to reach that goal. Before also making your initial deal in the world of stock investing Malta you should ask yourself, what are you expecting to achieve?

Everybody likes to be charitable , but it belongs as well as a time and neither is discovered in the world of stock investing Malta.

The majority of investors simply desire an excellent return on their investment. But what is taken into consideration an excellent return?

Enough for retired life? If it is based on what they want for retirement the question  ends up being for how long is it until retirement age? If it remains in two 2 years your investment strategy will certainly be a lot different than for those who are retiring in 15 years' time.

As an example, let's use me as a normal investor. 40 years old with a respectable suitable earnings and the ability  to spend $300 per month. We'll need to change my circumstances just a little bit and also visualize I have absolutely nothing in my portfolio but I desire the ultimate dream-- I desire $1 million dollars to retire with. The question is if I have the $300 available right now, is my target something I can hit?

Thinking  that I can match-- if not otherwise better-- supply index return which is running for 10.4% each year, my amount  |would certainly be worth about $380,000 by the time I reach retire at 65 years young.


Damn-- missed my 1 million dollars target!

To hit that level-- I need to invest more than $300 per month. To strike that I 'd would certainly need a return of a minimum of 17-18% pa|.

Okay-- an index fund isn't going  do it for me, especially as the history of these programs it will much better than the 10.5% mark!).

Can I hit the target million keeping with that said quantity as a round figure starter?

Well, if I am set on making use of the index funds as my investment for vehicle of selection, the answer is Yes!

As long as no significant market upheaval hits and continues to be overlooking the standard variations you'll get over an extensive period of investing.

I should have more than the $1,000,000 mark by the time I retire-- as well as I will not have to include a cent |extra to my savings either.

However what makes this possible for me to hit my target? The reality that I HAD a target.

Objectives to help you focus on your investment Malta are what aid you make your investment strategy.

Do you need to be hostile and also look for a significant return or can you simply protect your savings and earn an extra small return to reach your objective?

Establish on your own a realistic towards in the direction of it, maintaining it in mind constantly.

Be modest and concentrated.

What is the difference between Investing and Trading?

There is a question which is occasionally asked by those new to the economic markets, and also even sometimes discussed by experienced participants .That question is exactly how one sets between trading and investing.  Due to the fact that both trading and investing-- when one considers them from the point of view of the economic markets-- are executed in  extremely similar styles}, they are often considered compatible activities.

Both trading and also investing Malta, after all go to one of the most basic of levels application of resources in the search of profits .If I get XYZ stock I expect to either see the price value or earn dividends possibly both. What separates trading from spending, however, is that generally in trading one has an exit assumption. This could be in the form of a price target or in terms of how much time the position will be held. Either way, profession is attended have a  limited life. Investing Malta, on the other hand, is more . An investor will certainly get a company's  supply without predefined idea of when he or she will certainly offer, if ever before.

We can utilize examples to  show the difference. Warren Buffet is an investor. He buys firms which he  views as undervalued and holds on to his positions for as long as he continues to like their customers. He does not assume in terms of a price at which he will leave the stock. George Soros was still actively running his hedge fund a trader. His most famous trade was shorting the British Pound when he though the money was miscalculated and also prepared to be taken out from the European MechanismThe placement he took was based on a specific circumstance.

As soon as the Pound was allowed to  drift openl and also promptly decreased the value of cheapened  in the marketplace, Soros left with a handsome profit. That fulfills the standards of having a predefined departure, making it a profession, not an investment Malta.

There is an additional method one can define trading as a set against spending,  however. It has to do with. You buy XZY stock at 10 expecting| it  to visit 15 and consequently create a capital gain. If dividends interest are paid out along the road, that is great,  however likely only a small  payment to the  anticipated profits.

On the other hand,  spending looks more towards earnings in time. That makes {income production, such as  returns and also bond.

With these meanings in mind, consider what lots of people describe as their largest investment| -their home. Based on our second meaning of investing a residence is usually not an investment since in most cases it does not generate any type of  earnings.

As  kept in mind  previously, for many people trading as well as spending feel like the same point. The mechanics of trading are basically the same. Sometimes the evaluation one does to make those choices equals too. It's the purpose and also interpretation of objectives that separate trading and| and also investing, though.